The Push Towards 20


Still both happy and humbled to be selling some books and receiving reviews, especially when a comparison like the one below comes in from a reader! Sometimes it seems hopeless that an “Independent” can build an audience, but these kind words motivate me to keep writing and get my next title out there. Thank you Mary and Dale, reviews 15 and 16 for The Lost Lantern.

Thanks for reading, A.S.

Andrew Spradling’s The Lost Lantern was A GREAT READ!

By Mary M. Robertson on January 30, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition


Andrew Spradling’s The Lost Lantern was A GREAT READ! This book read very similar to the style of David Baldacci’s books— intriguing, a page turner, and kept you interested in what was to come next! Looking forward to reading more from Andrew Spradling!


“I don’t usually like prologues but

ByDale Withrowon January 5, 2018

Format: Paperback

This was my first read of Andrew Spradling and I am looking forward to reading his first book “The Long Shadow of Hope.” I don’t usually like prologues but, in the Lost Lantern, the prologue hooked me and fueled my curiosity to the point that I could not turn the pages fast enough to bring the story back to that point and time. I thoroughly enjoyed the story line of the book. Ironically, I read most of the book while in the Murrell’s Inlet area and that added to the already vivid picture that Andrew constructs with his detail and background of the band of characters. I did feel that it was overly detailed in some areas but, as you follow the main characters through the story, you begin to feel that you have known them through most of their lives. You will learn to like this diverse group as they return to Murrell’s Inlet attempting to recapture some of their past lives and find directions for their future. You will feel respect and admiration for the camaraderie and support they demonstrate for the friends they made in the summers spent there. At the same time, you will come to hate and despise the locals involved because of their prejudices, deceit, and greed as they try to take advantage of a young man who has worked loyally and diligently for them in their restaurants as well as for his own family. This is a long read but, it is well worth the time.



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